H.S. Join Now



A team with grit, a team with heart, a team that's right for you!




Do you think you may want to ski with us but need to know more?
Join our coaches at Evergreen Shelter at Lapham Peak on
Monday, October 21st at 7:00pm. They'll go over what a season looks like, what gear you need and how to enjoy winter!!


Registration opens September 15


Registration works best when done on a computer. Once the athlete is registered then using a mobile device is fine.


Multiple skier discount applies for 2 or more HS skiers, HS & MS, or 2 or more MS skiers from the same family. Peak Nordic Kids is not included in the multiple skier discount - they have their own pricing.

Register one child at a time start to finish.


If you have any questions pertaining to how to register your multiple skiers please reach out to the
Peak Nordic Registrar

HS Registration Link




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